Crosspoint City Church: Taking Multisite Church to the Next Level

Crosspoint City Church is a booming, multisite ministry with locations across North Georgia in Adairsville, Cartersville, and Rome. The church, led by lead pastor James Griffin, has grown by 74% in attendance in just two years and is one of the fastest growing churches in America. Pastor James maintains a healthy emphasis on the Great Commission, both in his own life and that of his church.



Crosspoint City Church’s overall purpose is clear. It exists, in its own words, “to relentlessly pursue those far from God to help them know and follow Jesus.” In pursuit of this, the staff across all three campuses embrace differences and shortcomings as part of the human experience that brings us closer to God — and one another.

With growth comes challenges. Like any fast-growing church, Crosspoint City has more needs than they have budget, and requires creative and innovative strategies for growth. 


Crosspoint City Church leadership reached out to Ministry Solutions Group to help them navigate the complexities of growth. Ministry Solutions Group assigned four of our top consultants to the account: Our Director of Project Management Terry Campbell; Director of Operations of Mantel Teter, David Evans (RA); former Lead Pastor of Lakepointe Church Steve Stroope; and Ministry Solutions Group founder Nathan Artt.

The Ministry Solutions Group team immediately set to work to understand the situation across all three campuses. As they learned more about Crosspoint City and the geographically distributed team, they began brainstorming what the future could look like for this quickly growing church community. This creative process focused on two key areas: determining the possibility of expanding the Crosspoint City Church broadcast campus and creating a financial and facility strategy that could address their current needs and accelerate their future growth. 

Ministry Solutions

Faced with the good but very real problem of a big church getting even larger, the Ministry Solutions Group team gathered programming data and financial information. This helped create key decision points, priorities, and the right questions that would lead to the answers that would equip the Crosspoint City leadership team to make great decisions at this critical moment.

As they dreamed alongside the Crosspoint City Church team, Ministry Solutions Group created a new campus plan that truly unlocked the potential of what the multisite church could become. Once Crosspoint City leadership agreed to the proposal, Ministry Solutions Group sprang into action, putting the plan into motion.

Crosspoint City Church’s new campus is now beginning to take shape. As the plan starts to unfold, the Ministry Solutions Group team continues to serve ministry needs and walk alongside Pastor James and the Crosspoint City team as they turn dreams into reality in the coming months and years.

Pastor James Griffin
James Griffin

Lead Pastor, Crosspoint City Church

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