
Project Financing

When you have internal financial clarity and can turn that into a strategic financial plan, you will not be asking banks for money. You will have banks competing to fund the vision for your church today and beyond.

Churches often struggle procuring competitive financing from traditional institutions, forcing them to take more expensive and more restrictive debt. Why? It’s not because banks don’t like churches, it’s because they don’t necessarily understand them. 

The Ministry Solutions process combines years of experience working in finance and a national network of banks and lending institutions to create a strategic and competitive advantage for your church, putting you in the driver’s seat to fund your long term vision. 

For The Complex and Mission Critical


We begin by diving into your financial records, assessing where you are, and identifying opportunities for reallocation.


Next, we create a strategic plan based on your vision, goals, and financial reality. 


Our team will then translate your strategy into a language banks can understand and acknowledge as a true investment opportunity.

We present your church’s plan to multiple banks creating competition, and through this competitive process, banks will be vying for your business, giving your church options like never before.

$1B+ in church projects funded since 2012

Partner with Us

When you partner with Ministry Solutions Group, you are locking arms with some experienced people who specialize in:

  • Financial Analysis
  • Donor & Attendance Analysis
  • Long-Term Financial Strategy
  • Multisite Financial Strategy

  • Project Funding
  • Financial Project Reporting
  • Debt Refinancing / Restructuring
  • Lender Negotiations & Coordiation

Interested in knowing what your church can afford and what options you may have?

A Note from Our Partner

"I can't say enough about the Ministry Solutions Team and their strategy to make our long-time challenge of successfully refinancing our mortgage a reality! Their strategy shifted us from being the organization banks didn't prioritize as a prospect because of the complexities of church financing... to the organization that several banks were fighting to acquire as their customer."

Aaron Johnson
Aaron Johnson

Executive Pastor, Valley Family Church (MS Client)

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