Hope City: Country's Fastest-Growing Church Finds Permanent Home

Churches need experts in their corner, people with extensive expertise in helping fund and build for the vision. Without it, church leaders can get distracted from reaching people.

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The Partnership

Located in Houston, TX, Hope City Church is the fastest-growing church in the country. It's also believed to be the fastest-growing church in American history. 

Within four years of their first service, weekend attendance is roughly 12,000. They've baptized over 30,000 people since they first launched. 

Even at this size, they still met in temporary spaces. An intense focus on outreach and small groups enabled their growth. It quickly became clear that they needed a permanent space that would allow them to greatly expand their ministry capacity, serve as a great broadcast location, and meet many needs in their community.

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Hope City Church is led by a board of experienced builders and savvy business owners. They bring wisdom and experience to their roles on the board, yet this project was unlike anything they'd ever done. 

Instead of struggling and making critical mistakes, the board called Ministry Solutions for help. In the initial analysis, the team discovered some surprising facts:
  • A permanent facility would save $1 million annually.
  • Nearly all of their givers lived in a circle around their desired property.
They needed to raise $8 million to buy the property.

The goal of the property was not to be one of the best church sites in Houston, but one of the best sites overall. We knew this property would be a site that was activated and used throughout the week and used by people from all different walks of life. Through the work of Ministry Solutions, Hope City raised just over $8 million for the building, more than their need. People give to clear vision they trust and that's what Ministry Solutions crafts for churches. 

When Ministry Solutions was first hired, the closing date was just 60 days away. The typical time frame is 90 days, which meant the team needed to scramble for financing offers. With a thorough summary prepared by Ministry Solutions, four banks quickly came back with incredible financing terms.

The Ministry Solution

Church building projects bring a barrage of decisions. Most leaders don't have a plan or strategy for navigating those decisions well. Ministry Solutions identifies the right plan and strategy so the decision-making process becomes much clearer.

Despite the deep knowledge of buildings and business on the board, they weren't sure how to hire for this project. Ministry Solutions got the best architect for the project despite the fact that their firm did not specialize in designing churches. 

From building a plan to securing funding, Ministry Solutions quickly became indispensable to the Hope City Church team. The staff and board know they would not have closed on their ideal property without Ministry Solutions in their corner. 

In the end, the Ministry Solutions team provided:
  • Clear Path Forward
  • Project Management and Leadership
  • Project Financing
  • Ongoing guidance
With the right strategy in place, Hope City Church now has a facility to call home. They have a permanent place to reach more people, change more lives, and create a greater impact. 

"Being one church in many locations with an online family across the world, Hope City is a place where everyone can come together under the banner of hope in Jesus."

Hope City Church

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