How North Point Ministries Creates and Communicates Vision and Strategy


In this interview, Nathan Artt, principal of Ministry Solutions, sits down with Lane Jones, Multisite Director at North Point Ministries in Alpharetta, Georgia.

What it looks like to carry out the vision from a Senior or Lead Pastor:

The most important piece of this process is to frequently meet with your staff team to discuss the vision. This is vital because it allows staff members to brainstorm and communicate effectively so that all teams are on the same page. From there, each leader each has his/her own team that will take what they’ve learned and live that vision out in their respective platforms.

Since day one, it has been North Point’s DNA to “own” the strategy and vision. Leaders are encouraged to lead through their respective teams to encourage the highest potential and ownership of a task. Only once the entire staff team has fully bought into the vision can the rest of the church buy in as well.

How to communicate vision to a large, multifaceted congregation: 

“If we want people to catch a vision, we have to put handles on everything,” Lane says.

Lane is referring to the practice of taking large concepts, principles and behaviors and boiling them down to simple, easy-to-communicate phrasing, called “handles”. The goal is to consolidate a large idea into one or two key points that the congregation will easily recall. This is one of the ways that North Point Ministries is able to communicate vision across an expansive group of members and visitors each weekend. 

The key point to this strategy is focusing on teaching people how to think rather than what to think. Essentially, what is the “why” behind the “what”? If it is easy to grasp this concept, the congregation will be able to apply it wherever it makes sense. 

How does this structure play out during your weekend services?

Lane mentions that the group structure in the children’s area is incredibly similar to what is done for adults. This is not a coincidence, but rather a purposeful decision to keep messaging consistent across all platforms of the church, no matter the content, size or age group. Rather than focusing on the specifics of a certain curriculum, members are learning the steps to think, which will have longer-lasting benefits. 

This entire strategy relies on a foundation of intentionality in your relationships with the Lead Pastor and team members. This commitment to be intentional must supersede everything else and be prioritized as a need. Rather than crafting a strategic plan for your church, Lane suggests planning strategically and the growth will follow.

“We’ve never had a five-year plan. It would have held back our momentum.”

Instead of prioritizing programs and classes, North Point has created an opportunity to learn and own the vision of the church. This ensures that no matter the opportunity ahead, they are ready for it. 



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