20 Years of Ministry = Time For A New Home

“Ministry Solutions’ process and approach is technically sound. Their team provides a turn-key solution for church providers, which is  powerful because without Ministry Solutions you have to negotiate with individual general contractors and do everything yourself. Their work has been outstanding. Nathan Artt has assembled a great cast of people who are passionate about what they do. They are applying their gifts and talents to bring solutions to the Kingdom.”

Andrè Bright︱Project Coordinator, Raleigh North Christian Center

Raleigh North Christian Center (RNCC) is a non-denominational Christian church that exists to reach local and global communities with the personal love of Jesus Christ. Additionally, RNCC has a heart for missions and partners with local ministries and churches worldwide. Located in northeast Raleigh, RNCC’s current facility is limiting their ability to meet growing congregation and community needs. In 2020, RNCC partnered with Ministry Solutions to create a vision for the next-level ministry center. The new design will support the future growth requirements of the ministry, support local and global outreach ministries all while remaining affordable.

To begin, the Ministry Solutions’ team took the RNCC leadership team through the Clear Path Forward process. This brought RNCC leaders together cross-functionally, allowing the Ministry Solutions’ team to understand department head responsibilities, leadership structure, and desires for the new building design. The leadership team went through infinity exercises to develop the programming needs for their new facility. These exercises allowed the Ministry Solutions’ team to identify the requirements for taking these programs to the next level. Each leader gave input on the current loves and dislikes of their building, and their hopes for the future building. Our in-house architectural wizard, Dave Benham, took the information gleaned from Clear Path Forward and created a layout design programmed to meet RNCC’s current and future needs.

“Your team developed a beautiful, pragmatic design that will serve us well. It meets all our requirements while maintaining affordability. Dave did a wonderful job with the design. Everyone is very excited with how he manifested the vision.”

Andrè Bright︱Project Coordinator, Raleigh North Christian Center

In tandem with the design of the new building, the Ministry Solutions’ Financial Advisory team performed a detailed analysis of RNCC’s financial history to define affordability. Next, the team developed a comprehensive financial plan for RNCC that established construction loan requirements, defined a process for selling the existing facility and identified a fundraising target.  

“The packet delivered to us after Clear Path Forward was comprehensive and thorough. It walked us through the results of the process and how Ministry Solutions arrived at the final design concept. More importantly, it answered the most pressing questions: here’s what you can afford and this is how it's going to meet all your requirements.”

Andrè Bright︱Project Coordinator, Raleigh North Christian Center

Ministry Solutions and RNCC are currently wrapping up the design phase of this project and are targeting August to break ground! On their website, RNCC has a section for Project 5009 where you can find details about the project. Ministry Solutions is ecstatic to continue to work through this project with RNCC and are even more excited to see our friends continue to make an impact for the Kingdom from a home that fits their needs perfectly.

Are you interested to learn how the Ministry Solutions' team could partner with you on your church growth and expansion goals? We could love the opportunity to connect with you! Talk with one of our team members today.

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